The TR-Youth Foundation

The Tr-Youth Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not profit organization, was founded to provide emotional, financial, and education support to the youth. We provide help which includes, but is not limited to: college scholarships, trade school scholarships, camp fees, life-aid equipment, travel expenses, and other aid as approved by the officers.

We began The Tr-Youth Foundation to do something different — to bring joy, simplicity, trust, and effectiveness to the youth. The mission of the project is to inspire, motivate, and empower Humankind to take action and give it forward today to their fellow human beings.

You may be asking, “Give what forward?”, and the answer is, “Yourself,” my fellow human! Make a promise to yourself to step outside your comfort zone and call yourself into action to make a difference in two lives TODAY! Next, motivate and inspire those two people to GIVE IT FORWARD TODAY. It’s that simple!

What would happen if we stepped outside our comfort zones, into our courage zones, and we positively impacted two people TODAY? What would happen if we then inspired those two people to “Give It Forward Today” to two other people each? What would happen if we could create a wave of human kindness together across the globe? Perhaps we could change the world together!

Spotlight Story

Each month we'll shine a spotlight on how the TR-Youth Foundation has impacted someone's life in a positive manner.

Be sure to check back often for updates.